Three Autumn Soups

Tuesday, October 8, 2024
10:00am to 2:00pm

Location / Venue

Salt Water Farm Road, Lincolnville, ME 04849

$250/per person

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When people ask what my favorite food is, the answer is always the same: soup. A soup is nothing short of medicine on a cold day. It warms us from head to toe, shutting out the cold. A rich broth made from a good stock is the most important ingredient of any soup. In this class, we will learn how to make homemade stock, develop a deep flavor in the base of any soup, season correctly and garnish beautifully. We will also make three soups that will have you cooking all winter long. Recipes may include pureed buttercup squash soup with fried sage and sautéed mushrooms, a chicken guisado with lime and capers and a smoked and fresh haddock chowder. We will also make an autumn greens salad with roast squash, apples from the orchard and hazelnuts as well as a chocolate almond brandy cake.
